Technology S curve
The Technology S-Curve of Innovation/product life cycle is a robust framework that can be used to analyze various products at their different stages and to explain their successes and failures
When evaluating a product or an industry, it is crucial to understand where it is on the S-curve due to the many implications that result out of that such as the possible risks and pitfalls that are associated for certain phases on it.
Technological innovation time cycle and market behavior are well characterized by the ‘S’ curve.
Technological innovation typically manifests themselves into a market along the ‘S’ curve. In case of product, the Product Metric (In the case of the bulb, lumens of light output per unit watt; efficiency) can be plotted as a function of time when each product was introduced. The metric value will naturally fall as an ‘S- curve’ in time.

Virtual Reality – VR
Virtual reality (VR) implies a complete immersion experience that shuts out the physical world.
VR uses cutting-edge graphics, best-in-class hardware, and artistically rendered experiences to create a computer-simulated environment where you aren’t just a passive participant, but a co-conspirator. With a VR headset, you’re fully absorbed in realistic 3D worlds, creating a major shift in how we experience the digital realm.
How VR can be used in manufacturing?
Floor planning
Design and engineering
Safety training
Maintenance training
Inspection and maintenance
Trade events
Show rooms
A VR headset usually features a display split between the eyes to show each eye a different feed. This creates a stereoscopic 3D effect with stereo sound. It also tracks your position in space to orient your point of view in the system.
When you combine the VR headset and input tracking, you get a completely immersive and realistic experience. Since the world around you turn every time you move your head, you feel like you’re “in the game” mentally and physically. In other words, you feel like you’re part of another universe.

Mixed Reality – MR
-In a Mixed Reality (MR) experience, which combines elements of both AR and VR, real-world and digital objects interact. Mixed reality technology is just now starting to take off with Microsoft’s HoloLens one of the most notable early mixed reality apparatuses.
-MR is a step beyond Augmented Reality, in which additional information is added to that which a user perceives. In MR, the physical and virtual worlds interact, and users can interact with them as well. As computer chip manufacturer Intel’s website explains, MR “provides the ability to have one foot (or hand) in the real world, and the other in an imaginary place.” While AR enhances a user’s perception of the real world, MR can blur the difference between what is real and what is not.
Researchers Paul Milgram and Fumio Kishino first described the concept of MR in an influential 1994 paper, entitled “A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Displays,” in which they described a “virtuality continuum” that connects the real and the virtual worlds. While Milgram and Kishino initially thought of MR mainly in terms of visual displays, since then MR also has come to encompass information that in perceived with other senses as well.
As an article on MR from Microsoft explains, Mixed Reality can utilize two different types of gadgetry. Holographic devices create digital objects and place them in a real environment, so they appear too really be there. Immersive devices, in contrast, help conceal elements of the physical world and replace them with digital creations. A holographic headset, like smart glasses, may have a see-through display with digital content projected onto it. An immersive headset, like VR goggles, may block a user’s view of the physical world, so that he or she can only see the digital one. While these two approaches are currently utilizing different technology, according to Microsoft, in the future, the two types of devices may start to merge.
Technology diffusion
Technology diffusion: can be defined as the process by which innovations are adopted by a population.
Whether diffusion occurs and the rate at which it occurs is dependent on several factors including the nature and quality of the innovation, how information about the innovation is communicated, and the characteristics of the population into which it is introduced

Total Experience (TX) strategy
“MX, UX, CX and EX (or simply “total experience”) are inextricably intertwined in the digital experience economy. 1
While excellence in one area is valuable, the organization can be further strengthened if these four disciplines are intertwined as a Total Experience (TX) strategy so that they mutually reinforce one another.” Gartner 1